Sunday, March 20, 2022

Best Law & Attorney Company

 Lilian Demonteverde Hoats is one of Los Angeles’ premiere family law and divorce attorneys, practicing since 1989, 31 years of legal experience and hundreds of satisfied clients. No matter what family law issue you have— big or small — Lilian can help. She is committed, not just to getting you legal results, but to taking the time to listen to you and truly under-stand what you are going through. She has a background in psychology and knows that family law issues are oftentimes some of the most complicated and emotionally-difficult ones we can face. Let Lilian take your hand and guide you through the process. Contact her today for a free, no-obligation consultation. She’d be happy to sit down and talk with you.

Our Services:

Ø  Divorce

Ø  Spousal Support

Ø  Division Of Property

Ø  High-Asset/High Earner Divorce

Ø  Mediation

Ø  Summary Dissolution

Ø  Legal Separation

Ø  Child Support

Ø  Child Custody And Visitation

Ø  Move Away/Relocation

Ø  Paternity

Ø  Annulment

Ø  Domestic Partnership

Ø  Prenuptial Agreements

Ø  Grandparents’ Rights

Ø  Enforcement Of Judgment Or Settlement

Ø  Modification Of Judgment Or Settlement

Ø  Step-Parent Adoption

Ø  Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Ø  Palimony

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